Read More Info on UK Firms Hiring a barrister can absolutely save you time and money compared to going through a solicitor and can cover a wide range of case types. However barristers in the same countries are under The Bar Standards Board (BSB) which we've historically had much less positive... But they certainly sound as if they take their role in consumer information seriously. This doesn't always happen when a firm has non-unique words in the brand name. So for any firm you're able to see for yourself whether there is a decent amount of experience individuall... We try to cover a range of solutions for legal problems including having general practice firms, specialists, barristers, and non-law-firm services as well. . The issue with related domains not being owned or incorrect searches really only affects law matters where the... If you check https: office 473112 backhouse-solicitors-ltd" the page for this firm< a> you'll see any alternate brand names, contact details, SRA authorisation, and most importantly the qualification dates and specialist areas of each re... The reason you need to be aware of potential issues is because there are lot of scams going around just now targeting case types where clients have to pay large lump sums - such as property matters. The only negative comment we saw was a complaint about a solicitor called 'M... Some solicitors may take a cut of your compensation at the end of a case such as those with larger costs involved. That's usually how a firm with a wide case range can still technically call themselves a 'specialist'. We've seen a criminal lawyer get a negative revie... That's just ... On this occasion the firm we're talking about doesn't list any testimonials on their own website. What we don't like is when solicitors go too far and start listing their favourite foods and pet's names. The legal industry seems to be treated quite differentl... There is also a huge difference between a firm that claims to have 40 years of experience and 40 years of experience 'within the firm' or 40 years of 'combined experience'. Photos of people in suits smiling and shaking hands with bits of paper in their hands are ver... Does this translate into happy clients? For this we always turn to the public boards like https: search?q=brown+and+co+solicitors+london&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&oq=brown+and+co+solicitors+london&aqs=chrome..69i57j46i175i199i512j69i57.7321j0j4&sour... People have handed over https: public for-public-visitors common-legal-issues payment-diversion-fraud" tens of thousands of pounds< a> in house deposits to fraudsters over the past couple of decades. And they talk normal" "easy to get through to m... We've seen variants such as 'goldsmith and bowers' showing up in searches due to the number of law firms that use that separator for partner names in the firm. Excellent recovery rates"< div>
We would never generally recommend one firm over another as each client's ind... That's totally up to each individual to decide after careful research and having spoken to someone at the firm about the case. But the independent boards were also packed with positive comments as well. (Hence us bringing it to your attention here.) Obviously we would ne...
class="infoquote "As a law firm, we're a bit different but in a good way!"< div>
There were several things that stood out to us on their site.
We also love case studies and know that potential clients do to. Especially firms in the property market where... Most solicitors will blame the other side's solicitor for any issues that arise. 99.9999% of people involved in a property sale (obviously exaggerating for effect but essentially a truth) feel it should have gone faster and been easier. Newcastle RTB team where [sic] a night... Even if someone calls you claiming to be from the firm and you don't recognise them - don't be afraid to say you'll call them back on the official phone number.
. It contains what we would call 'Case Studies' where brief explanations are made about a prior case, it's prob... Then there are firms that have several specialist solicitors who handled specific case types but all working under the same brand name umbrella.
We've also detailed in other articles just how many high street solicitor firms also take a 25% cut of all compensation settl... Of course some firms have started putting their pet's names and favourite foods in profiles. But it's really not a negative sign if a law firm you're looking up has few or even zero online comments about them.
On this occasion the fact this firm is offering considerab... Sometimes a barrister without the solicitor middle-man can save considerable time and money in a motor offence case. Often an accountant can assist in resolving a tax dispute. The official site we link to above is with none of the usual variants such ... Many even have the same images of people smiling and shaking hands. There are several similarly named firms such as 'foster & foster' and 'foster law' that popped up while we were searching. If you look up https: office 630363 foster-coleman-li...
If you see a firm stating they are 'one of the leading' without any further information to back up what that means - or if the firm claims to be 'award-winning' but has no information about what awards they have won - then we recommend you ignore the statement comple... (10x3=30) So do pay attention to wording. There are news articles about Fultons https: article gildeas-completes-acquisition-of-glasgow-firm-fulton-s" being bought over< a> by a firm called Gildeas not too long ago. Add to that the apostrophe and let... that they are not as easy to find for law professionals compared to other industries. So make sure you are always on the correct site and never discuss payment details via email. It raises the point that if every firm says they are 'experienced' (and no firm would admit to b... As Hill House Chambers puts it:
class="infoquote "The Direct Access (or Public Access) scheme allows members of the public to instruct an authorised barrister directly ... For the case types they handle this isn't too much a concern. But it's a good idea to familiarise...
class="infoquote "I wanted to feel like I was making a difference to my clients, building relationships with them, and seeing things through from start to finish."< div>
That's a quote from the firm's founder, Catherine Hyde, about the goals of the firm. Sometime... No win, no fee means there are no fees should your case lose. For example, if you sometimes check the companies house website looking to verify the status of a Limited company, you'll see that JPS Walker Solicitors Ltd was created https:
Most of the alternate searches we did such as 'krs wills' and 'krs probate' still brought up the correct firm. It could be their first day on the job. The Direct Access scheme allows members of the public to hire barristers themselves rather than having to pay a solici... None of the expected typos such as seemed to be owned by anyone just now either. And above all, the comfort of knowing your best interests are protected."< div>
These statements from the Lefevres website are claims made by practically every law firm. It'... Unfortunately there have been thousands of law firm clients targeted in recent years such as those who've ended up https: cms wp-content uploads 2022 03 2b.-Conveyancing_Leaflet.pdf" handing over their entire house deposit< a> to a fraudster's b... We try our best to provide a range of options for people searching for help. However with this firm handling conveyancing matters you need to be extra careful. A team of seasoned heads but with fresh legs is surely the best grouping you could hope for in an industry that i... For some reason, those clients go right ahead and send tens of thousands of pounds to the fraudsters without checking with the solicitor if that email was genuine. They provide a wealth of user-side data including all office locations, other trading names used, languages spo... not trying to jack-of-all-trades things. But it is something to bear in mind when looking at what other firms choose to boast about.
class="infoquote "with our combined strength and determination we are always committed to delivering the results you need."< div>
The question of course is whether this can result in a firm being better when it comes to handling clients and cases or if it has no effect at all. Negative ratings aren't always deserved. It wasn't until we researched MJV Solicitors that we realised there was a once... Because whilst many negative comments can be totally unhelpful (e.g. (No, really.)
Whilst there is a negative comment about this firm on https: search?q=my+law+matters&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&oq=My+Law+Matters&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j46i175i199i512l2j0i...
class="infoquote "ONELAW CHAMBERS ...
Personally, we think people leaving negative reviews for those reasons completely undermines the whole goal of review forums. That's understandable to us at least, and it's probably for the very reasons we pointed out their...
class="infoquote "Rose Fendlen Law is Authorised and Regulated by the SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority)"< div>
This statement placed right at the bottom of the page on the RF Law website is actually one of the first we look for. Many firms use the same sale... However the term is being used correctly in this instance. there are plenty of other firms using those two initials.
class="infoquote "We have dealt with a wide variety of cases."< div>
Is there a way to find out how experienced a solicitor is? Glad you asked. ... For many years now https: news conveyancing-fraud-gang-jailed-for-diverting-deposit-monies 5103305.article" scammers have targeted such clients with emails< a> telling them the bank details for their house deposit have changed.
class="infoquote ... But it actually contains two of the main things we think you should look at when picking a firm.
The best resource we've found is The Law Society of England & Wales website which is packed with useful details such as contact details, all office addresses, practice...
class="infoquote "Whatever you’re facing as a family, in whatever shape yours is, was, or will be, we’ll be here to listen to what you have to say and help with what you need to do."< div>
To verify claims of whether a firm really does listen to clients, mo... The firm states offices in London, Birmingham, Cambridge, Oxford, Market Harborough, and Leicester. Does that translate into happy clients?
class="infoquote "practical, succinct and jargon-free advice"
"good at giving cost efficient ways of managing the claim"
"a ... We've been writing about and working with law firms for over twenty years now.
For a start there are hardly any law firms left willing to work under Legal Aid. Then the article before that one was on a huge network of firms that still retained independence but all wer... A really great resource to help with this is any local law society a firm might have joined. Taylor Price has a group of lawyers who joined the profession in every one of the last four decades. Surely an ideal mix for any legal service provider?
class="infoquote "Our ... This doesn't mean you shouldn't still be very careful online though. Immigration is an area of law like Divorce and Motor Offences where people really do want an expert. So make sure to always read through ratings rather than just glancing at average stars. The latter bein... So how do TLP fare on the independent comment forums?
class="infoquote "very good and fluent in their work and know what they are doing"
"I have been using the firm in the last 5 years and their work is very thorough"
"always there to answer any queries"
... In our articles and in the legal help search database we try to cover and include a wide range of solutions . However you'll also see they handle a few other case types including Family Law and Civil Litigation.
The legal services industry is a tough one for third par... The main concept that stood out to us was that the firm certainly lives up to it's claims about not shying away from more complex cases . However this article on ULA Solicitors was nice and straightforward. The branding is quite unique and the various alternate searches we ... The firm's official website is but is for a completely different firm. (And that's tough to say living in one of them!)
class="infoquote "We have in-depth knowledge of immigration and EU law with plenty of experience in deal... So such statements don't really help you distinguish one firm from another.
class="infoquote "We offer a 'Third way' service. If you https: office 9184 wildcat-law-ltd" check the page< a> for Wildcat Law on the Law Society site you can ... Click on our profile pictures for more information."< div>
A quick word on navigation. However on this occasion we have because they are not just hand-picked and solicited client remarks but actual comments from industry peers who have worked with the firm. They include... So if you've spent the last few hours reading endless sales-pitch paragraphs on solicitor websites - this might be a welcome break:
class="infoquote "... However for barristers there simply isn't as much publicly available information.
Barristers may be part of ... It may seem odd for a legal practice to claim they are 'specialists' when they list a wide range of case types handled at the firm.
At the bottom of some of the pages on the Youngs website they link to their independent review boards on Google and Trustpilot.
Please check out the new US Law Firm Reviews section on our sister site.