Read More Info on UK Firms

Here's the follow up list of review articles we've published on UK law firms that have turned out quite popular. Let us know what you think using the vote button: Something you'd want in any company really. We've been working in the industry for over 20 years and whilst we've seen firms specialising in divorce or car insurance claims - that's usually because those types of cases can be very profitable. The bulk of reviews for Ant... It was only five years ago that a solicitor said to me 'that internet thing? no, we don't do that'. We've seen conveyancing firms with over a thousand reviews on a single review site. You'll just see auto search results from your browser.. The second part of that snippe... A quick note on navigation though. Those are certainly useful when wanting to backup the claims of happy clients. At the time of writing this firm had 295 reviews on Google alone. class="infoquote "Backhouse Solicitors is a modern and forward thinking soli... But you can always end up with a 1-year-qualified lawyer from the 200-year-old firm in the same way you could be provided a 40-year-guru lawyer from a 1-year-old legal practice. class="infoquote "Whilst we have maintained our core value of outstanding client service, t... The majority of people want to check out public review boards such as https: search?q=bell+lax+solicitors&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&oq=Bell+Lax+Solicitors&aqs=chrome.0.0i355i512j46i175i199i512j0i22i30j69i60.808j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x4870a506fa... Why people fall for that and don't call their solicitor to check before sending tens of thousands of pounds - we don't know. For example, at the time of writing the firm lists Steven Gardner who qualified as a solicitor back in 1970, Tania Austin (qualified in 1984), Harende... Unfortunately every firm that deals with property will have such negative reviews. The negative ones all seemed to relate to delays in a house purchase. class="infoquote "The firm now has offices in Grimsby, Hull, Lincoln, Louth, and Market Rasen and is considered on... But this is true for most reviews about law firms and is something you should bear in mind when trying to get an overview from review sections. Luckily there is a great resource online with The Law Society of England & Wales who provide a wealth of data on any law f... That's totally up to each individual to decide after careful research and having spoken to someone at the firm about the case. We can only assume they think they are complaining about an actual company called 'QualitySolicitors'. Therefore they believe leaving the negative... It can also be hard to tell the various options apart at first glance with so many firms using trading names or practically identical looking websites. But it can get confusing for those stepping into the arena for the first time. We've seen someone leave a negative review a... She is very good at clearing jams in the conveyancing process."< div> We couldn't find a staff profile section on the Cooks Solicitors website at the time of writing. You can get a 1-year newbie lawyer from a three hundred year old firm or a 40-year guru lawyer from a o... But a lower number of reviews or even zero is something you will see for most law firms. If you https: person 31408 david-john-christopher-stinson" look up the page< a> for David Stinson himself for example, you'll see he qualified as a solici... Typically we don't add claims management companies to our network. In fact, solicitors themselves https: latest-news solicitor-sanctioned-for-dealing-with-unregulated-cmcs" can be fined and even stricken off< a> for dealing with unregulated cla... Of course some firms have started putting their pet's names and favourite foods in profiles. You never know if that one star criticism is from an old opponent who lost to them, or a disgruntled client who's fraudulant whiplash claim got thrown out their office. Unfortunately... Unfortunately Google was being it's usual awkward self because of the generic words used in the company's branding. 'One of' - out of how many? A thousand firms? 'Leading' - leading in what? That could be leading in the number of cases lost for all we know. yet. That's where... 'Leading' also sounds great but of itself doesn't actually provide any definition of what area, stats, or other measurable metrics they are 'leading' in. Some claiming hundreds of years of history behind them. That's why the majority of law firms that deal with conveyancing ... The worst comment in our opinion though, was a 3 star review for the company because the client believed the firm's offices were Hard to find" . class="infoquote "Our experienced team is both dependable and professional."< div> When we see statements like this o... class="infoquote "Our team of industry experts have been brought together to create a client focused business which understands our clients' individual needs"< div> So where can you find out if a lawyer is meeting those client needs? The place people normally j... Especially those with multiple offices. They were all very positive , but lacking enough comments content to provide a good overview of the firm. This is all very important to consider though because there are a lot of scams targeting clients of lawyers these days. ... One of the bigget moves was when the goverment started to allow Direct Access to barristers. Biggest things to watch for are emails about money, payments, or bank details as that should never happen . For the case types they handle this isn't too much a concern. provi... People are absolutely happy jumping online after a good or bad meal to review the restaurant they've just been to. There are national, county, city, and even case specific societies which legal professionals can join. On hand ready to help you with your business needs."< div... So for Jacobs to be unafraid in posting such a "new" start date in the face of such an "old" industry - well that really stands out to us as genuinely being a modern day law office. The largest property firm in England Wales currently has a rating of just under 3 stars... This competition has really benefited clients in ensuring firms really buckle down and excel in a certain area. No win, no fee means there are no fees should your case lose. There are other firms with 'jps' in the name and therefore other websites too (e.g. So what can set o... As you would expect, all testimonials that companies post on their site are always 100% positive. This is a great benefit for clients as it means a better chance of getting legal help from someone with focused expertise and experience in your particular type of case. But t... class="infoquote "Extensive experience on your side. Here is what they said about him: class="infoquote "A Fellow of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, he is also the current convener of the Law Society of Scotland's Civil Justice Committee, a peer revie... Because whilst a fairly new legal practitioner can be bolstered by a good support team - there's nothing quite like having the experience in the bones of the person you are dealing with. Obviously we've added Mackenzie Jones Solicitor to our network so we clearly think... class="infoquote "Mckie Legal is a Trading Name of Connectmetoalawyer Limited"< div> That's useful because even if you can't find a lot of information or reviews on the trading name - you can often find such on the firm behind it. Normally we would have a mini-ran... MLJ Solicitors are registered with The Law Society of England & Wales which is great because they are the best out of all such organisation websites we've seen . Comments like that aren't very helpful at all. There is a firm call 'MLJ Legal Ltd' based in Hull, but at the mo... They have lawyers on staff that joined the industry during all of the last three decades - such as Simon Bass who qualified as a solicitor in 1993, Victoria Barraclough in 2008, right up to Lazuna Ullah in 2019. Be aware however that legal service providers are not treated ... We therefore turn to the same places most consumers do which is the public review board such as https: search?q=mjv+law+Thornton-Cleveleys&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&sxsrf=ALiCzsalxGo7bn__bt5tCtdwUowu1oS7AA%3A1663791418678&ei=OnErY_-GKaWShbIP6JWx0Ao&ved=0ah... It can therefore be a good idea not to type important web addresses into the browser bar incase you make a mistake and succumb to a https: report-suspicious-emails-websites-phishing" phishing< a> site too. They provide all alternate trading names, other... Despite the two words being generic terms (i.e. Fortunately, the legal industry itself has managed to bounce back with alternatives to keep the rusty wheels turning and allow those of us who aren't multi-million taking football celebrities to at least have some crumbs from... The only difference will be on whether they charge you for running the case or provide something such as a no win, no fee agreement. This is important because there are many websites on the internet designed to look like a law firm, but are actually a marketing firm or dat... They are far less likely to rush and publicly talk about their messy divorce, bankruptcy, or life-long brain injury. Whilst many people will be quick to jump online and tell people about a meal they've just eaten. The main issue with similar domains not being owned or ... However, we recommend always reading through the actual comments rather than relying on just star ratings. They even kick off their website with a self-description of being "a small law firm of Norwich solicitors". There are others as well in between those dates prov... But hopefully from the examples and resources quoted in the article below, you'll see why they have been added to our network. The number of large multi-office firms only seems to increase due to some smaller businesses merging to survive the difficult years we've had. They ... With each focusing on different areas of law those numbers do stand out to us, and we've been working in the legal industry for over twenty years ourselves. On top of that there are useful staff profiles on their website which we strongly advise every law firm to produce. Y... There are always new laws and taxes coming out year on year. However, this is common for legal service providers. A quick note on navigation with there being four words in the official branding Springle, and, Co, Solicitors) which can interchange with ampersands and have 'co... Some firms like to write alot about themselves and their services. So you can't just go on Google, type the firm name, and see all reviews in this instance. We always recommend speaking to someone at the firm before going ahead. So what are people saying about Stowe Family... On the whole they are positive, however in the case of https: search?q=summerfieldbrowne+cambridge&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&sxsrf=ALiCzsZgtAzd_li97ev6QBMxCnd-bir8EA%3A1661867136831&ei=gBQOY5WlMuyUhbIPkqSo2A4&ved=0ahUKEwiV5erC2e75AhVsSkEAHRISCusQ4dUDCA4&ua... We've been writing about and working with law firms for over twenty years now. Those kind of sections surely say more about a firm than any intro marketing jargon or a thousand photos of people in suits smiling and shaking hands. So how do Swain & Co look on the public foru... If you typically just look at star ratings when researching companies online, it's something you shouldn't do when it comes to law firms. A prime example is amongst the Google reviews for Taylor Price's business. Obviously we can't possibly try out the legal services of... It's not as if any firm will say they are NOT experienced, dedicated, and providing quality services. class="infoquote "We are specialist immigration firm based in London, UK, experienced and dedicated to providing quality service to corporate and private clients."< d... https: barristers-register 82AFCBA73880BBA6DA5EB034D07EC4B1.html" The Bar Standards Council< a> website only shows whether someone is an active barrister on record and whether there have been any complaints. There are already hundreds of... That should mean the practice has a very good mix of seasoned, wise old heads but with eager, fresh ideas thrown in . So whilst other industries have moved on to the point where restaurants, technologies, and even just social media sites are favoured by their newness - man... A quick note on navigation. As mentioned before though, whilst the firm is 'new' ( https: company 11417981" having gone Limited in 2018< a>) we take that as a potentially positive attribute . That might be the ... all came up with the same site. But what do the third party sites say customer feedback is like for this firm? class="infoquote "was very helpful and he did not allow the officer to ask me anything which could make me say anything wrong" "provided me with an excel... The law and requirements are complex and they are always changing."< div> This second quote from the firm's own website highlights why some areas of law require a specialist that pretty much eats, sleeps, and drinks their craft. However if they have seven solicitors an... Hopefully that will change soon but the ruling body (The Bar Standards Board) are not the most forward thinking organisation when it comes to either their lawyer members or the public. class="infoquote "We are proud of a long tradition of integrity, humanity and colla... class="infoquote "You will find us approachable, straight-forward and responsive."< div> Unfortunately there is often a lot of sales-pitchy language on any law firm's website. This is important to note because this firm handles conveyancing which has been the... As our poll last year indicated - only 8% of people seemed to take company provided testimonials into account when making up their minds about a firm. So any firm that still works with Legal Aid gets a few extra brownie points from us . So it's essentially a collection of ...

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